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Physiotherapy is an allied health profession that helps patients with physical function and mobility to better a person’s independence and comfort. Physiotherapists are university trained and licensed medical professionals. They use clinical reasoning to diagnose and develop treatment plans that will enhance, restore, or maintain a person’s mobility and physical body function.


Conditions treated include but are not limited to muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendonitis, shoulder impingement / frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tears, joint-related disorders (such as arthritis), post-surgical rehabilitation, balance problems, spinal stenosis, disc herniation, muscle spasms, headaches, nerve pain (sciatica, entrapment), Patellofemoral syndrome, IT band syndrome, tennis / golfer's elbow, hip bursitis, torticollis, carpal tunnel, and fractures.



Physiotherapy Assessment: $120

Physiotherapy Treatment: $120


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Private Yoga Sessions


Yoga is an incredible practice for both body and mind that improves the body’s strength, balance, and flexibility. Private one-on-one or couple sessions at Clinique Physiom remove the intimidation factor of going to a studio while giving you the benefits of guided yoga with a certified teacher to be sure you have the right technique and avoid injuries.


You’ll learn the basics in a safe and private setting so you can attend group classes when you’re ready. Even better, you will benefit from working with a yoga teacher who is also a registered physiotherapist with extensive knowledge of the body and human anatomy.



One Person Yoga Session: $90

Two Person Yoga Session: $110

First Time Doing Physiotherapy? Here's What to Expect

At your first appointment, we’ll complete an initial evaluation of around 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of your case. We’ll talk about both your health and personal history to understand your background, and then complete an objective assessment to evaluate your posture, range of motion, and strength along with special tests as needed based on your case.


After the evaluation, a clinical diagnosis and treatment plan will be developed by the physiotherapist. Treatment will be delivered in one-on-one sessions that include manual therapy, education, and therapeutic exercise. Depending on your needs, modalities (electrical or mechanical tools) may be included in your treatment plan. You will leave your first appointment with a good understanding of your injury and receive a tailored home exercise program. The physiotherapist will continually reassess your condition at follow up appointments and adjust your treatment plan as necessary. 

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*Good To Know

You do not need a doctor’s referral to book an appointment at Clinique Physiom and we issue insurance receipts for physiotherapy sessions for private insurance claims. We accept debit and all major credit cards.

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